AI Development

process optimization

We optimize processes with Artificial Intelligence.

The focus of our services lies in the area of AI development and implementation. Our expertise includes state-of-the-art areas such as machine learning (supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement learning), generative AI (GenAI) such as language models (LLMs), Imagine Processing and many more. With Explainable AI (XAI), we make all these AI applications tangible and understandable for you.
Our solutions enable you to significantly increase efficiency, reduce costs and errors and free up resources for strategic innovation and growth.


Maintenance, demand, and revenue forecasts with modeling according to best practices.

In the field of predictive modeling, we develop forecasts based on the modeling results of an extensive training process. Thorough feature engineering is routine for us, extracting the maximum value from your data history. We generate additional indicators from cleaned raw data to learn structures such as trends, seasonality, or reversal effects. Moreover, we systematically address challenges like distortions in raw data and avoid the dangerous look-ahead bias in time series forecasting. This way, our forecasting provides you with the most accurate maintenance, demand, and revenue predictions.


Bring a local GPT language model into your company.

We integrate a pre-trained language model (LLM) locally into your intranet environment, ensuring full compliance with data protection regulations. Depending on your requirements, we further train the local GPT application with your company’s proprietary data. Throughout these processes, we ensure the integrity of your data, allowing you to fully leverage the value of the language model. This results in saving numerous working hours weekly, unlocking capacities, and improving work quality. The illustration below depicts an exemplary dashboard for a GPT application with an integrated chat function.


Discover new insights through advanced image recognition technology.

Artificial Intelligence enables the real-time identification of texts, objects, and even complex scenarios based on images and videos. Our AI applications reliably recognize objects or features in fields such as medicine, industry, or transportation, categorizing them accordingly. Through the detection and localization of these features, AI-powered image processing also allows for the identification of anomalies. This capability facilitates the analysis of X-ray images, detection of production errors or avoidance of obstacles.

Our core competencies in the field of AI development:
  • Process automation and optimization with AI
  • Time series analysis and forecast modeling
  • Development of language models (LLMs)
  • Image and object recognition with deep learning
  • Use of AI for predictive maintenance and quality control
Dr. Kay Stankov
Head Of Data Science & AI


Do you want to learn more about the application of AI in your business? I invite you to a non-binding meeting.


Frequently asked questions about AI development:

Based on your requirements and goals, we develop a customized AI application for you or recommend proven tools and platforms such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn for machine learning, as well as data analysis platforms such as Apache Spark, Hadoop and BI tools such as Tableau and Power BI. We support you in selecting and implementing the best cloud platforms, focusing in particular on German computing clouds for the highest data protection measures.
We work with you to define clear KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that are in line with your business objectives. These can be, for example, sales increases, cost savings, process improvements or customer satisfaction. We regularly analyze the results of your AI projects and compare them with the initial goals to evaluate the ROI.
Die Dauer variiert je nach Komplexität und Umfang des Projekts. Kleine Pilotprojekte können in wenigen Wochen bis Monaten Ergebnisse liefern, während umfangreiche Implementierungen mehrere Monate bis Jahre dauern können. Ein schrittweiser Ansatz mit iterativen Verbesserungen ist oft effektiv, um schnell messbare Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
We ensure that your AI solutions are compatible with your existing IT infrastructures. We facilitate integration through the use of APIs and middleware. Together, we plan carefully to minimize disruptions to business operations. We also train your team in how to use the new systems.
By using data protection technologies such as anonymization and pseudonymization, we can ensure that personal data is rendered unrecognizable, thereby minimizing the risk of data misuse. Strict access controls, such as role-based access control (RBAC) and multi-factor authentication (MFA), ensure that only authorized persons have access to sensitive data. Auditing mechanisms enable you to monitor and log all data accesses and changes in order to detect suspicious activities at an early stage. In addition, we implement encryption technologies to protect data during transmission and storage.
With limited resources, it is important to take a focused approach. Together with you, we start with smaller, cost-effective pilot projects that deliver clear and measurable results. Among other things, there is the option of using cloud-based solutions to minimize infrastructure costs.


Seize the opportunity of AI and always be one step ahead.

Together, we will discuss your data basis and develop an AI & data science strategy for your company, which we will then implement for you. Use our contact form, send us an e-mail or contact us by telephone. We look forward to seeing you!

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