The use of ChatGPT & Co. without data protection problems.

Middle class

Our strategy consulting focuses on embedding pre-trained Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT into our clients' intranets to make the best use of the technology without privacy issues. Our expertise even makes it possible to further train an LLM with the company's own data to make it even more powerful for individual use in the company. GDPR compliance is 100% guaranteed both when using AI in day-to-day operations and during the training process.
The basis is the integration of pre-trained LLMs, which makes it possible to comply with data protection guidelines and legislation. The possibility of further training with the company's own data strengthens the adaptability and precision of the model for company-specific requirements.
Our development process emphasizes the integration of LLMs into the intranet, with particular emphasis on data protection. Individual further training with the company's own data makes it possible to create customized solutions for specific requirements.
The implementation of LLMs in internal company processes leads to considerable time savings in day-to-day business. Personalized LLMs are able to check internal company compliance in new and sensitive documents and efficiently summarize large documents.
Every year, the use of personalized LLMs saves several working hours and thus improves the quality of work for staff. The model enables an effective review of internal company compliance requirements in sensitive documents and simplifies the summarization of large documents. This use case shows how the use of ChatGPT & Co can increase the added value of AI in companies without data protection issues.


Would you like to find out more about the use of generative AI in your company? We would like to invite you to a non-binding initial consultation and show you other possible applications.